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Showing posts from July, 2021

What is COVID 19 corona virus?

What is CORONA VIRUS?  So the whole family of coronaviruses are named Coronavirus  because corona means a crown, and so this refers  to the way that the virus looks under the microscope  like there's a crown on the top of the virus.  Some of them, four or five different kinds,  cause common diseases among humans,  everything from the common cold  to mild or moderate respiratory illnesses.  Other kinds of coronaviruses affect animals,  and sometimes, on rare occasions, we see coronaviruses jump  from animal species into the human population. WHY THIS ONE IS GETTING SO MUCH ATTENTION? The 2019 novel coronavirus is getting a lot of attention now  because it is a new kind of coronavirus  we haven't seen among humans before.  The theory is that it may have jumped from an animal species  into the human population, and then begun spreading. scientists  have seen some people that have died of this disease,  and...

What is Anemia ? Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Anemia.

  what is anemia? Anemia is the term  doctors use when a person has too few  red blood cells than the normal level  red blood cells are the cells in your  blood that carry oxygen when the number  of red blood cells is too low your body  might not get all the oxygen to organs  such as brain and lung what are the  symptoms of anemia?  Many  people with iron deficiency anemia have  no symptoms people who do have symptoms  might fatigue you feel tired or weak you  get shortness of breath especially if  they try to exercise or walk upstairs  you can have light headaches you have  trouble thinking clearly  or a hard time concentrating you get  cold hands and feet a fast or irregular  heartbeat  your skin gets pale brittle nails your  nails break easily What are the causes  of anemia? There are four types of anemia  according to causes  1) Most common type  is iron ...

What is cancer? and how is it treated.

One out of every two men and one out of  every three women will be diagnosed with  invasive cancer in their lifetime for  this reason it's really important to  know more about what cancer is, what  makes it up, and how it's treated.  At the simplest level, cancer or cancer  cells are cells that have lost the  ability to follow the normal control  that the body exerts on all cells.  In our body, we have billions and billions of  cells and they have different functions.  It's a very complicated process under  incredibly phenomenal control, and if  something goes wrong and that control is  lost and particular cells escape the  normal control mechanisms and they  continue to grow and they may spread  that's what we call cancer.  As those cells grow and divide, they turn into a  mass or they clump together, and that is what  we would call a tumor, and then they  can get smart and the...


 Balanced Diet A diet that contains all of the nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals in proper proportion according to the requirement of the body is balanced. A balanced diet related to age, sex, and activity Different factors affect the nutritional requirement during the periods of body growth and development. Energy requirements change through life and depend on many factors, such as Age, Sex Level of activity. The key stages in life include. Childhood The energy requirements of children increase rapidly because they grow quickly and become more active. Young children do not have large stomachs to cope with big meals. Therefore, to achieve a relatively high energy intake for their age, foods should be eaten as part of small and frequent meals. Adolescence It is a period of rapid growth and development and is when puberty occurs. The demand for energy and most nutrients is relatively high. Boys need more protein and energy than girls for growth. Chi...

How playing sports benefits your body and your brain

Is playing sports actually as good for us as we make it out to be,  or just a fun and entertaining pastime?  What does science have to say?  First of all, it's well accepted that exercise is good for our bodies and minds,  and that's definitely true.  Exercising, especially when we're young, has all sorts of health benefits,  like strengthening our bones,  clearing out bad cholesterol from our arteries,  and decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  Our brains also release a number of chemicals when we work out,  including endorphins.  These natural hormones,  which control pain and pleasure responses in the central nervous system,  can lead to feelings of euphoria, or, what's often called, a runner's high.  Increased endorphins and consistent physical activity, in general,  can sharpen your focus and improve your mood and memory.  So does that mean we get just as much benefit going ...

Healthy Aging with Nutrition

  Essential nutrients are components in food that your body can't make on its own, and that we need to grow, function, and stay healthy.   So we must get these nutrients through our diets.  There are six classes of essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are the main source of calories, or energy, in the diet.  Fats also give us energy and help with normal growth and development, immune function, vitamin  absorption, hormone production, and more.  Proteins, and the amino acids they are made of, are major structural components of our  bodies cells and are responsible for building and repair of tissues, and maintenance of  muscle and lean body mass.  There are 13 essential vitamins that have important jobs such as keeping our nerves  healthy, helping us resist infection, assisting with blood clotting, and keeping our metabolism  running.  Minerals are only needed in small amounts but play a vital role in muscle contraction, ...